Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Life is a series of choices; a big combination of moments... little ones that add up to big ones, that create who you are."
-Will Schuster (Glee)

Monday, October 26, 2009


If I've learned anything in my life so far it is that change is constant and inevitable. Sometimes change is hard, sometimes it's desired. But no matter what, it's part of life and we all must deal with it. And because of change, we have lots of things to look forward to and lots to miss....
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Here are some things I am currently missing (both short term & long term...)

1. my tan
2. high school Homecoming week
3. playing softball & field hockey
4. my summer clothes
5. Sara & Danny 0:-)
6. not worrying about money or the future
7. not worrying about what I look like
8. TGIF friday night sitcoms with Sarah
9. ridiculous games we made up and could play for days on end
10. my car (currently in the shop)
11. having rules to break
12. my Pop-Pop's old boat
13. how inseparable my old group of friends were
14. the excitement of waking up to snow on the ground
15. trick or treating
16. when cell phones were just... phones
17. innocence and naivety

photo copyright me! :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Never compromise yourself. You're all you've got."-Janis Joplin

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Believe in....

Sometimes I feel like everyone gets so caught up in the day-to-day, hustle bustle life... what's next on their to-do list, the next place they have to be, that they forget to slow down and just believe in something... so here's a few things

I believe in... :) Lucy dog's excitement when I come home (& her sad face when I'm leaving)

...the theory that laughter is the best medicine for anything

...holding each other as tightly and as closely as possible

...getting your groove on

...being overdressed

...long kisses

...singing along to your favorite songs (no matter how horrible your singing voice is)

...un-awkward, completely comfortable silences

"...the sand beneath my toes" (sorry, had to! because it's true.)

...YOU! :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Now Open for Business!

Just opened up a little shop for my photography!
I'd love it if ya'll would check me out!
*More images coming in the next few days*

You can also go to my Facebook page & become a fan, if ya'd like!
Thanks much! :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Paranormal Activity

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Sooo I saw the movie Paranormal Activity last night. Easily the best horror flick I've ever seen. It get's 2 thumbs up from me. I highly recommend it to all you horror film lovers out there. I personally LOVE TV shows like Ghost Hunters... this movie reminded me a lot of the show. Except it takes the concept to a whole new, terrifying level. You must see it! Be prepared to sleep with a light or the TV on though.... just a friendly warning :)

Quote of the Day

because we could all use a little inspiration every now & then...
"Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You gotta wonder why we cling to our expectations, because the expected is just what keeps us steady; standing still. The unexpected is what changes our lives."-Grey's Anatomy

It's been a while....

So terribly sorry about my absence recently. I've been feverishly searching for a job... with little to no success so far. I'd been feeling a bit down on myself about it and just wasn't in the mood to blog. But, no worries! I'm back, and more confident and determind as ever. Now I just have to get back into my routine. :)

Since my little break from the blog world, one of my best friends in the entire world decided to start a blog of her own. Shannon is a tiny fire ball of energy who has recently decided to jet off to the west coast to follow her dreams. She's always been a Cali girl at heart and I'm so proud of her for taking such a big risk! That said, I'm going to miss her terribly. Hopefully her daily posts on her blog Beach Bum's Diaries will help me still feel connected to her despite the fact that she's hundreds of miles away :) love you shanny!

Check it out, pleasssse!
P.S. Here's a few of my fave pics of Shanny & I! As you can see, we're always laughing...
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don't worry, she doesn't wear this shirt by choice. it's her work uniform lol
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on her 21st!
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A few of my favortie things...

...this week, of course.
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1. breakfast for dinner
2. halloween decorations
3. running into old acquantances
4. that rewarding feeling you get after a good work out
5. giving my pup a new toy
6. the sky... the clouds & the sun are so beautiful this time of year
7. fortune cookies
8. socks
9. people watching
10. gushers

photo copyright me! :)